Ingredients: Humic Acid-65%, Fulvic Acid-12%, Potassium-17%.
Application: In different crops 1-1.5 kg humistar per bigha (33 per cent) should be applied at the last tillage of land preparation or 20-25 gm per maad at the time of maturing.
Benefits: Makes plant uptake of all the nutrients available in the soil. Activates all the beneficial microorganisms in the soil, thereby increasing the effectiveness of chemical fertilizers. Helps in the release of hormones required by the plant. Increases the germination capacity of the seeds and the transplanted seedlings grow very quickly

Bumper Trico-Compost
Material: Carbon nitrogen ratio (max) 20:1, organic carbon 10-25%, pH value – 6.0-8.5, moisture (max) 15-20%, nitrogen 0.5-4.0%, phosphorus – 0.5-3% potassium – 0.5-3.0% and other nutrients.
Application: In case of normal crops, 50-60 kg per bigha should be applied in final tillage or as per crop requirement. In case of vegetable crops, 60-80 kg per bigha should be applied in the final tillage or as per crop requirement. For fruit trees or trees, 2-3 kg per tree at the time of planting and 2-5 kg should be applied 2 times a year depending on the age in a round circle before the onset of monsoon and winter in older trees.
Benefits: Bumper Tricho-Compost helps to rapidly fertilize infertile soil by increasing the number of Trichoderma and other beneficial microorganisms living in the soil. By improving the structure and texture of the soil, it increases the water holding capacity, prevents water wastage and reduces the cost of irrigation, thereby saving the farmer money. Able to control soil acidity, salinity, toxicity etc. Tricho-compost improves the environment by discouraging the use of chemical pesticides by controlling soil and crop diseases and multiplies the potential for toxin-free food crop production. At least 20-25% of chemical fertilizers are saved due to the presence of nutrients required by the plants, thus reducing the production cost of the farmer. It helps in increasing the income of farmers by increasing the production and quality of crops.

ACI Bumper Bone Meal
Ingredients: Phosphorus – 8%, Nitrogen – 3%.
Application: Apply 4-5 kg per week at the last tillage or after mixing with the soil.
Benefits: Bonemeal provides various nutrients to plants, thereby increasing soil fertility. Bonemeal increases the amount of organic matter in the soil. Bonemeal increases the water holding capacity of the soil, so it is very effective in increasing crop yield. Bonemeal reduces soil acidity, resulting in better soil quality and plant vigor. Bonemeal is very effective for long-term crops, especially mango, litchi, banana, cool, guava and pineapple plantations.

Bumper Root Grow
Contents : 1-Napthyl Acetic Acid
Application : 8-10 kg/Hectare for soil application
Key Benefits: Bumper Root Grow promotes the formation of plant’s adventitious roots, rooting for the promotion of seed. It promotes fruit and the rapid expansion of root tubers.

Bumper Trico-Powder
Material: A minimum of 4.3°10° spores/g of Trichoderma harzianum T32.
Benefits: Bumper Trico Powder is more effective in controlling soil, water and seed or forage root borne diseases of all types of crops such as: root rot, stem rot, wilting, leaf scorch, leaf or fruit spot disease. It is also very effective in seed treatment, seedling treatment, soil treatment and roof farming. Increases the germination capacity of the seeds and helps the plant to grow healthy and strong. Accelerates physical growth of plants by assisting in uptake of all types of nutrients. It plays an important role in controlling the spread of disease-causing fungi. Bumper Tricho acts as a biopesticide in seed treatment and plant disease control.
Application method of Trichoderma Bio-Fertilizer:
Soil treatment:To treat the top layer of soil (6-7 inches) with bumper tricho powder, 250 grams of trichoderma powder mixed with 70-80 kg of organic manure should be applied on 33 percent of the land at the time of final tillage.
For seed treatment: Dissolve 20 grams of bumper trico powder in 100 ml of clean water and mix the solution well with 1 kg of seeds. Trichoderma mixed seeds are dried in a shaded place for 20-30 minutes and sown in the ground.
In the treatment of seedlings: Dissolve 10 grams of bumper trico powder in every liter of water and soak the roots of the saplings in the solution for 30 minutes and plant them in the field.
In the production of organic fertilizers: 250 grams of bumper trico powder mixed with 250 grams of cheetah jaggery in 50 liters of water and applied on 1250 kg of different organic materials will quickly convert the organic materials into organic fertilizers.
In nursery or seedbed: Mix 250 grams of bumper trico powder with every 25 kg of organic manure and apply well to a depth of 15-20 cm.
Other uses: For nursery, roof worm or tub crops or plants mix 5-10 grams of bumper trico powder per liter of water and spray on soil or plants. For use in nursery, roof farming or tub soil, 8-10 grams of bumper trico powder should be applied per kg of soil or mixed with organic manure around plants or before planting or sowing seeds.

ACI Shakti Fertilizer
Ingredients: Organic Matter-20%, Nitrogen-6%, Phosphorus-3.5%, Potassium-8.5% Sulfur-2%, Boron-0.10%, Calcium-2%, Magnesium-1%.
Benefits: Balanced nutrition of crops is ensured by using ACIBF fertilizer. By preventing overuse of chemical fertilizers, the soil is not poisoned. By using BF fertilizer, there is no need to apply fertilizer separately, thus saving costs. Crops grow properly. Crop quality and yield increases.
Application: In the case of vegetable crops, 2 kg should be applied per hundred in the last tillage of the land preparation or as per the requirement of the crop. In case of fruit and other trees, 300-500 grams at the time of planting and 1-2 kg in mature trees should be sprinkled around the tree twice a year and mixed with the soil.